Ganesh More

I completed my Master of Science degree from Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India. Following this, I completed my Ph.D. in Catalysis and Material Synthesis from the Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Punjab, India in 2024. During my doctoral studies, I focused on the design and development of heterogeneous catalysts aimed at the renewable synthesis of chemicals and fuels. I conducted my research in the Catalysis and Material Synthesis Lab under the supervision of Prof. Rajendra Srivastava, IIT Ropar, Punjab, India.
Throughout my research journey, I have made significant contributions to the field of renewable synthesis of chemicals and fuels. I published my work in prestigious journals, including those from the American Chemical Society (ACS), the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), and Elsevier.
Currently, I am serving as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Materials-Envi Lab at the Nanotechnology Centre, which is part of the Centre for Energy and Environmental Technology (CEET) at VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. Under the mentorship of Prof. Radek Zbořil and Dr. Aristides Bakandritsos, my research focuses on the development of single-atom catalysts/photocatalysts for biomass valorization, aiming to drive advancements in sustainable chemical processes.