Top publications
Postmelting Encapsulation of Glass Microwires for Multipath Light Waveguiding within Phosphate Glasses,
Single Atom Catalysts Based on Earth-Abundant Metals for Energy-Related Applications,
Harnessing enhanced lithium-ion storage in self-assembled organic nanowires for batteries and metal-ion supercapacitors,
Single Atom Engineered Antibiotics Overcome Bacterial Resistance,
Unveiling the Potential of Covalent Organic Frameworks for Energy Storage: Developments, Challenges, and Future Prospects,
Deciphering the Role of Nickel in Electrochemical Organic Oxidation Reactions,
Synthesis and energy applications of copper-based single-atom electrocatalysts,
Designing carbon dots for enhanced photo-catalysis: Challenges and opportunities,
A general atomically dispersed copper catalyst for C–O, C–N, and C–C bond formation by carbene insertion reactions,
Precision Engineering of Nanorobots: Toward Single Atom Decoration and Defect Control for Enhanced Microplastic Capture,
Development of iron‐based single atom materials for general and efficient synthesis of amines,
Discovery of Lipoxygenase-Like Materials for Inducing Ferroptosis,
Pt Single Atoms on TiO2 Can Catalyze Water Oxidation in Photoelectrochemical Experiments,
Solvent Controlled Generation of Spin Active Polarons in Two-Dimensional Material under UV Light Irradiation,
Real Time Tracking of Nanoconfined Water‐Assisted Ion Transfer in Functionalized Graphene Derivatives Supercapacitor Electrodes,
Band engineering in iron and silver co-doped double perovskite nanocrystals for selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction,
Graphene derivative-based ink advances inkjet printing technology for fabrication of electrochemical sensors and biosensors,
The innovative design of carbon dots on polymer texture for highly selective detection of amino compounds,
Mass Transport Limitations in Plasmonic Photocatalysis,
Harnessing photocatalytic activity of mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride decorated by copper single-atom catalysts for oxidative dehydrogenation of N-heterocycles,
Reusable Co-catalysts for general and selective α-alkylation of nitriles with alcohols,
A review on sustainable iron oxide nanoparticles: syntheses and applications in organic catalysis and environmental remediation,
Valorization of bio-renewable glycerol by catalytic amination reactions,
Cobalt nanoparticle-catalysed N-alkylation of amides with alcohols,
Development of tungsten-modified iron oxides to decompose an over-the-counter painkiller, Acetaminophen by activating peroxymonosulfate,
Magnetically Recyclable Borane Lewis Acid Catalyst for Hydrosilylation of Imines and Reductive Amination of Carbonyls,
Enhanced detection of heavy metal ions using Ag nanoparticles and single-walled carbon nanotubes within Cu-based metal-organic frameworks,
Tailoring Conductive MXene@MOF Interfaces: New Generation of Synapse Devices for Neuromorphic Computing,
Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 over Ti3+ self-doped TiO2-based nanomaterials,
Charge carrier recombination processes, intragap defect states, and photoluminescence mechanisms in stoichiometric and reduced TiO2 brookite nanorods: an interpretation scheme through in situ photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy in controlled environment,
Suppressing Charge Recombination by Engineering Homojunctions in Brookite TiO2 Nanorods for Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution,
Practical and scalable hydrogenation of nitro compounds using palladium-based nanocatalyst under ambient conditions,
What is TADF (thermally activated delayed fluorescence) compared to the mechanisms of FL (fluorescence), PH (phosphorescence), and TTA (triplet–triplet annihilation) based on a novel naphthalimide sulfonylphenyl derivative as a host?,
A Cobalt Nanocatalyst for the Hydrogenation and Oxidative Dehydrogenation of N‐heterocycles,
Spaced Hybrid TiO2/Au Nanotube Arrays with Tailored Optical Properties for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering,
Water stable colloidal PVP coated spin crossover nanoparticles,
Carbon dots: a promising path towards environmental sustainability,
Mononuclear Fe(III) Complex Showing Thermally Induced Spin Crossover and Slow Magnetic Relaxation with Reciprocating Thermal Behaviour,
Advances in Biomass and Nature‐Derived Ceramic Membranes and Their Environmental Applications in Wastewater Treatment,
Defect-Mediated Energy States in Brookite Nanorods: Implications for Photochemical Applications under Ultraviolet and Visible Light,