Rahul Patil

Rahul Patil holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Science and Engineering from the Amity Institute of Click Chemistry Research and Studies, Amity University, Noida, India. He conducted his research in the Electrochemical Energy and Sensor Research Lab under the supervision of Prof. Saikat Dutta. His Ph.D. work focused on functional materials for charge storage devices and energy applications.
Dr. Rahul Patil has made significant contributions to academic discourse with publications in esteemed journals such as Nano Energy (Elsevier), Small (Wiley), Chemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier), ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, and Nanoscale (RSC). Currently, Dr. Rahul serves as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Materials-Envi Lab at the Nanotechnology Centre of the Centre for Energy and Environmental Technology (CEET), VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, under the mentorship of Prof. Radek Zbořil and Dr. Aristides Bakandritsos. His current research focuses on new materials for energy storage technologies.